Monday, April 23, 2007


Ellie slept until 3:50am this morning before waking up! She had gone down at 7:00pm, so that means she slept almost 9 hours straight!!! She has also been napping really well today - both her morning and afternoon naps have been in her crib (as opposed to my lap).

We went on a quick outing to Hobby Lobby in between naps today. She cried in the store for awhile but then she fell asleep.

Ellie continues to hate tummy time. We have been really trying to push it on her so that she'll increase her arm strength and crawl on time. She lasts about 10 seconds on her tummy before crying and rolling over to her back. We turn her to her tummy again and she continues crying and rolls to her back again. This continues until she is wailing and we give up until another time... She would much rather be standing up than lying down.

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