Monday, April 16, 2007

Two Nights In a Row

For the past two nights Ellie has only woken up once to nurse! Saturday night she was up at 2:45am and last night she was up at 2:00am. Tim gets up shortly after 5:00am, so I don't have to worry about any feedings after that until he leaves for work.

Normally she goes to sleep around 7:30pm, but this evening she fell asleep earlier and then woke up to nurse again at 9:00pm. That could mean that she'll stay asleep longer because she is full, or it could mean that she'll wake up sooner because her schedule is off... I never know which it will be!

We bought Ellie one of these over the weekend. She really enjoys it and looks very adorable sitting in it.

Obviously I did not get any new pictures posted over the weekend. I will try to get some up tomorrow night.

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