Sunday, April 8, 2007


Ellie had three shots at her 2 month doctor's appointment. She cried so hard she could hardly catch her breath. It was very sad. We thought she might not cry much, since the two times she has had blood drawn she hardly even noticed - even as they squeezed her poor little foot to get the blood droplets.

This is a picture of her with her Peanuts band aids after we got home. She was a little zoned out.

We have to have an x-ray taken of her hips next week. The doctor is a little worried that she might have hip dysplasia. Her risk for this condition is elevated because I carried her transverse throughout most of the pregnancy. It is apparently a very treatable condition, but one that you want to catch in infancy before the bones become set.
Her stats from her appointment: 9 pounds, 22 inches long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a 12-year-old who is dreading her booster shots.... I wonder if she'll cry to the point where she can't catch her breath.... I'll let you know if it gets any better at age 12. Perhaps I'll be the one taking the Tylenol.
