Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Middle of the Night Fun!

When was the last time you had poop between your toes?

For Ellie it was at 12am this morning. She woke up for her first feeding at 11:30pm, very early for her, and I should have seen it as a sign of what was to come. I nursed her, and while burping her I tried to decide how neglectful of a mother I would be if I put her back in her crib without changing her diaper. It was just a bit wet and she would be up again in two hours - I could change it then. Well, as I tried to decide what kind of mother I was Ellie made the decision for me and made a very large poop.

As I stood up to change her I realized that my shirt sleeve was wet with something warm, and my fingers as well (never a good sign when you are holding an infant). I set her on the changing table and saw that yes there was indeed poop leaking out of her clothes. The fun really began when I undressed her and found that the mess had shot down her left leg and set up residence in the foot of her pajamas, where she was exploring this new texture with her toes.

If you think changing a baby's clothes will make her wide awake, try cleaning between each of her ticklish toes with a baby wipe. That will really wake her up. Add to that that when I changed her clothes I made the mistake of putting her in the footie pajamas that her feet get stuck in the legs of when she pulls them to her chest. She HATES that!

Needless to say, she was sufficiently awake and nothing could get her back to sleep. I ended up laying her on my chest in the recliner (her favorite sleeping position) a little after 1am so that we could both get a little sleep before the sun came up.

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