Friday, May 23, 2008

A Few Park Pictures

These are just a couple of pictures from a recent visit to the neighborhood sandbox. Yes, I know that Ellie needs a haircut...

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Art of Negotiation

It is amazing how quickly Ellie has moved from an "infant" into a "toddler." She understands almost all of what we say now and we find ourselves spelling certain words in front of her.

She has really started fighting going down for nap or bedtime. I have found that it is very helpful if I tell her everything that is going to happen, in order, before putting her in the crib. This typically goes something like this: "Mama is going to give you your milk, then you can have your paci, and then Mama is going to put you in your crib. No crying. You'll sleep there all night, but Mama will come if you need me. Night-night." Amazingly she hardly ever cries after we have that little "discussion."

Ellie is beginning to grasp the concept of doing one thing before we can do another. She will stand at the door, crying to go outside. If I tell her, "We can go out later," she continues to cry. But, if I say, "First we have to put the laundry in the dryer and Mama has to put on shoes, then we can go out," she seems to get it. She runs to the laundry room to "help" with the laundry and will then bring me my shoes. After that she runs to the door - no use trying to distract her at that point - she remembers that all the other things on the list have been done!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tall, Skinny Beanpole

We just got back from Ellie's 15 month checkup. The doctor says she looks great and was impressed with the number of words she says (though she wouldn't say any of them to him) and also by her receptive language skills. I said to Ellie, "Will you give Dr. Cohen your sock?" and she picked it up off of the floor and handed it to him. It's the simple things that make a mama proud!

Here are her latest stats:
  • 31 inches tall (70%) - a huge jump from being in the 20% at 12 months!
  • 19lbs, 2.5 oz (5%) - technically she should still be facing backwards in the car seat...
  • 45% for head circumference

So, she's getting tall and skinny. If it lasts, it will serve her well in life!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pink Eye, Stink Eye

Things have been pretty yucky around here, and I have definitely gotten the worst of it. I went to the ophthalmologist on Thursday thinking I might have pink eye in my right eye. Turns out that my right eye was inflamed from an allergic reaction, but lo and behold, I did have pink eye in my feeling-fine left eye!

Thursday night I came down with some kind of stomach and intestinal thing (I'll spare you the details) and was up all night. I spent most of Friday lying in bed while Tim chased after the little one. Saturday was more of the same, although I finally had enough strength back to be of some use. Tim had some great quality time with Ellie, though he did comment that he has no idea how I get anything done in the house during the day. Ellie definitely kept him on his toes!

On a brighter note: Ellie slept through the night three times last week! That is a new record.

Here's to a week of continued nighttime sleep and no more illness!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fifteen Months Old

Our baby is another month older, and boy does it show! Yes, she really does look as old as this picture makes her look:

How Ellie has changed in the past month:
  • Ellie seems to be shifting back to sleeping better, now that three of her four first molars are through.
  • Still taking two naps, though I expect her to drop to one by the end of the month.
  • Ellie has 11 teeth now, four front teeth (top and bottom) as well as both upper first molars and one lower first molar (her right one).
  • Vocabulary explosion!!!! Last month Ellie could only say a small handful of words, but this is her list now: Mama, Dada, Papa, dog, bird, ball, rock, wow!, whoa!, no, night-night, all done, uh-oh, eye, hi, and belt. She is literally adding a new word every day and it is truly amazing to see!
  • She signs/motions: up, all done, drink, more, waves hi and bye, points with one or both pointer fingers, motions "come here" at objects she wants.
  • Ellie drags us around by the hand or pant leg to get us where she wants us to go.
  • She can walk very long distances, like all the way to the park (a couple of blocks) and from there across the street to the nearby elementary school (another couple of blocks).
  • Ellie loves to give kisses. She reaches for our hands, arms, legs, whatever and pulls them to her mouth and says, "mmwaa." But watch out, if she is feeling feisty she will bite - which we strongly discourage.
  • Temper tantrums have started. I'm talking "throw yourself on the floor and scream like the world is coming to an end" kind of tantrums.
  • Ellie points out every single dog she sees driving in the car, riding in the stroller, playing outside, or looking out the window. This is one of her favorite past times (seriously...).
Events of the past month:
  • Ellie and Mama went to Idaho.
  • Ellie went to her first birthday parties, including Ashlyn's "princess party" where all the little girls dressed up!

Helping Mama unpack.

All dressed up for the princess party!

Playing outside.

We go to the doctor next week for her 15 month checkup and shots. I'll let you know the stats of our featherweight when we get them!