Monday, May 19, 2008

The Art of Negotiation

It is amazing how quickly Ellie has moved from an "infant" into a "toddler." She understands almost all of what we say now and we find ourselves spelling certain words in front of her.

She has really started fighting going down for nap or bedtime. I have found that it is very helpful if I tell her everything that is going to happen, in order, before putting her in the crib. This typically goes something like this: "Mama is going to give you your milk, then you can have your paci, and then Mama is going to put you in your crib. No crying. You'll sleep there all night, but Mama will come if you need me. Night-night." Amazingly she hardly ever cries after we have that little "discussion."

Ellie is beginning to grasp the concept of doing one thing before we can do another. She will stand at the door, crying to go outside. If I tell her, "We can go out later," she continues to cry. But, if I say, "First we have to put the laundry in the dryer and Mama has to put on shoes, then we can go out," she seems to get it. She runs to the laundry room to "help" with the laundry and will then bring me my shoes. After that she runs to the door - no use trying to distract her at that point - she remembers that all the other things on the list have been done!

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