Friday, October 31, 2008

Growing Up

I'm not quite sure when it happened, but we are no longer "Mama" and "Dada" to Ellie. We are now "my Mommy" and "my Daddy." Yesterday Ellie even spent the entire afternoon calling me just "Mom." Time goes by, doesn't it?

I'll get Ellie's 20/21 month update done this weekend, but I'm sure I won't remember everything that has changed. Like the fact that she now uses 4-5 word sentences. And plurals. And possessives. And the past tense when she talks.

As a walk down memory lane, here is Ellie last Halloween. This year she is going to be a clown (the same costume that my mom made for me 27 years ago). I'll get this year's pics up this weekend also.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Will Get Caught Up... Someday

Well, we are all sickos around here. Ellie and I are battling our second colds of the season. (Aside: Does it really count as my second cold if I never fully got rid of the first one???)

Tim is down with some kind of food poisoning. Or at least I hope it is food poisoning. The thoughts of the baby or the mama going through what he is dealing with is quite frightening to me... so we'll just keep hoping it is nothing contagious.

Those are the reasons that the blog is just not that spiffy right now. We are not feeling so spiffy ourselves. Once things get back on an even keel I will post Ellie's 20 month update. It might end up being a combined 20/21 months update depending on how long it takes me...

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Photo Shoot"

I needed a few publicity photos for a local shop that is selling my Lovieroos, so we had a "photo shoot." I put it in quotes because neither Tim nor I have enough photography skills to pull off a real photo shoot; but, between the two of us, I think we did pretty well. I composed the shots and Tim operated the camera. Not too bad, if you ask me!

(You'd never know we were in the middle of a subdivision, thanks to our neighbors insanely tall native grass plants.)

This is the shot I went with for the shop. Ellie is holding her Lovieroo just right, waving to the camera, and I am actually smiling my natural, un-posed smile (tongue between the teeth and all...).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Check It Out

My friend, Liz, is hosting an awesome give-away on her blog, The Tip Spot. She has three great prizes, including a custom-made Lovieroo of your very own! Be sure to stop by and enter the contest!

Liz and her sister, Christy, run The Tip Spot and it is an amazing source of money-saving, kid-raising, Eco-friendly ideas.