Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pink Eye, Stink Eye

Things have been pretty yucky around here, and I have definitely gotten the worst of it. I went to the ophthalmologist on Thursday thinking I might have pink eye in my right eye. Turns out that my right eye was inflamed from an allergic reaction, but lo and behold, I did have pink eye in my feeling-fine left eye!

Thursday night I came down with some kind of stomach and intestinal thing (I'll spare you the details) and was up all night. I spent most of Friday lying in bed while Tim chased after the little one. Saturday was more of the same, although I finally had enough strength back to be of some use. Tim had some great quality time with Ellie, though he did comment that he has no idea how I get anything done in the house during the day. Ellie definitely kept him on his toes!

On a brighter note: Ellie slept through the night three times last week! That is a new record.

Here's to a week of continued nighttime sleep and no more illness!


Hailey Happens said...

yeah Ellie! Keep it up girl! Your parents need a break!

Anonymous said...

It's good for dads to experience the full onslaught of "not getting anything done because you're running your legs off chasing a little one" syndrome. Welcome to parenthood. :) Sis