Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where Have We Been?

Well, nowhere in fact. We've just been so busy around here that the blog has been neglected - and all of you, too, who have been waiting anxiously for new pictures.

Summer is in full swing and it seems Ellie and I spend most weekdays out and about. She has decided that swimming isn't so scary after all and has really begun to love the pool. We've been spending lots of time at city parks and playing with the neighbors, as well. Tim, Ellie, and I have gone hiking twice in the past month and Ellie really enjoys being in the mountains. This year she is able to "hike" a little after we stop for lunch and she has a lot of fun picking up rocks, sticks, pine cones, etc.

We took Ellie for her first haircut last Sunday. She didn't cry at all and actually seemed to enjoy it. After that we went to a local flower shop that was hosting a petting zoo. She had a blast petting all the animals - and even "pet" a little girl who was there. Tim and I (and the little girl) laughed about that!

So, without further ado, the pictures that prove we've been having tons of summer fun!

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