Friday, June 6, 2008

Sixteen Months Old

If I were to be brutally honest I would have to admit that the last month has been one of the hardest since Ellie was just a tiny baby. Fantastic, but hard nonetheless. Ellie now has all of her first molars - which hasn't been an easy feat for her. I spent one night laying on her floor for an hour, after she had been crying for two and a half, thinking to myself, "Why on Earth am I letting a toddler control my sleep like this..." During the daytime hours Ellie is most often wonderfully delightful but has started throwing tantrums. She definitely likes getting her way, and is not at all happy when she doesn't. Oh, the days of passive babyhood are behind us!

How Ellie has changed over the past month:
  • Ups and downs with sleep. Hmmm... is that really a "change?" We had gotten to the point where Ellie was sleeping through the night about 40% of the time, and then nights of long periods of wailing returned. She would really prefer if we would just sit in her room all night...
  • Jabbering up a storm. Ellie says 30+ words now. She also says the two word phrase, "Out dogs" when we get ready to leave.
  • Ellie can make several animal sounds: uff, uff, uff (dog), roar (lion), and moo (cow). Interestingly enough (since we have a cat) she still does not say "cat" or "meow."
  • Ellie loves giving the dogs treats and knows which cabinet they are stored in. She will stand there and pull and pull on the knob trying to open it (it has a child-lock).
  • Climbing on everything! She has figured out how to climb on the coffee table, guest bed, dining room chairs, and something new every day!
  • Climbing up the playground steps and going down the slide all on her own. I'm not sure if Mama and Daddy are ready for this yet!
  • Ellie recognizes Tim's car when he pulls on to our street after work and yells, "Dada! Dada!"
  • Giving hugs and kisses. She blows Daddy a kiss goodnight every night when she and I settle in to nurse. She also hugs so tightly now, wrapping her arms around our necks!
  • Ellie will bring us books to read. She has always liked books, but now is really showing an interest in sitting in our laps and being read to. In the past she has been too busy moving to sit still long enough for a story.
  • Tantrums. Not Mama's favorite new "skill."

Events of the past month:
  • We moved Ellie out of the baby tub and into the real bathtub. I know, I know... this was long overdue. What can I say? We liked being able to conserve the water!
  • Now that summer is almost here we are back to hiking. This past weekend we went on the first hike since Ellie has been walking well and she got to wander around in the woods and loved it!

I'll get some new pics uploaded later. I've got some of our recent hike as well as some day-to-day ones.

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