Thursday, February 7, 2008

Twelve Months Old

Ellie has changed so much this month; I hope that I can capture it all in this post. This has also been the month of illness and separation anxiety. Most of our days are spent either following Ellie from room-to-room or with her plastered to our legs. She has, however, learned to entertain herself for long stretches of time - provided she can see us and we periodically burst into silly songs and make her laugh.

Ellie had her 12-month well-baby checkup yesterday. She got no less than five shots in her little legs and that pretty much ruined the rest of the day. Today her legs are tender, but she is in a fantastic mood. Here are her stats from yesterday: 17lbs, 9oz (7th percentile; being an early walker has burned off lots of calories and slowed down her weight gain); 27 3/4 inches long (20th percentile).

How Ellie has changed over the last month:
  • Talking: Ellie now says "Mama," "Papa," "Dada," an attempt at "Meow," and her new favorite word, "uh-oh!"
  • Teeth: Ellie has seven teeth fully in and an eighth just popping through.
  • Naps: Ellie takes two naps, one at 9:00am for an hour and one at 1:00pm for an hour and a half.
  • Nighttime: Ellie is (finally!) sleeping through the night almost every night. She goes to bed at 7:15pm and sleeps until 6:30am or so.
  • Her favorite food right now is peas. She would eat an entire can of them if we let her.
  • Ellie blows kisses and gives kisses (when she wants to!).
  • She can flush the toilet.
  • She figured out how to open cabinets (until Mama installed locks on all of them).

Events of the last month:
  • The month of sleeping through the night!
  • Lots of playtime with Jamison and another little neighbor, Ian.
  • First taste of chocolate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caleb at 3 months old is just a pound or two behind Ellie with no walking in sight to burn it off. :) Timmy also took about a year to sleep through the night with some predictability. If it gives you any hope for #2, Caleb has pretty much slept 8-12 hours straight for the past month. Wow! I'm so thankful! I admittedly sleep him on his tummy though. I talked with the peditrician about it and felt comfortable with that decision for him.