Thursday, August 16, 2007


Ellie has come down with roseola. As far as childhood illnesses go, this one is pretty mild. She woke up with a fever early Friday morning; it finally broke on Sunday. During the time she was sick she acted pretty normal, so we blamed it on teething. Well, Tuesday as I was changing her diaper for her midday nap I noticed she had some pink spots around her waistline. I pulled her shirt up and discovered that they were everywhere. The rash extended to her back and neck, and ultimately on top of her head. I put her down for nap and called the doctor.

While I waited for the nurse to call back I got on the Internet (you know me) and had it diagnosed before the phone rang. When I described the symptoms the nurse confirmed that it sounded like roseola. Unless the fever returns, the rash gets worse, or the rash doesn't disappear by tomorrow we don't have to see the doctor.

It is thought that 90% of kids have roseola by the time they are three. I was a bit surprised that Ellie picked it up already, being as she isn't in childcare. I wonder if it is coincidental that she came down with the fever 7 days after her well-baby check-up...?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

My kids have had it too and they aren't in daycare either. It's just one of those things. I hope she feels better soon! It's no fun having a sick little one!