Friday, November 2, 2007

I Am a Terrible Blogger

Two posts? TWO? In an entire month? Yes, I am a terrible blogger. I will try to do better this month. So, here goes the Ellie update:

Crawling! Yes, our little baby is mobile. Nothing is safe. Not even the dogs. They do not quite know what to think now that this little creature can follow them. And pull their tails.

Ellie still doesn't regularly say any words other than "Mom." She uses this word to mean absolutely everything. It means she wants to be held, fed, nursed, played with, talked to, and so on. My favorite is when I am right in front of her and she yells, "MOM!" and I try to explain to her that "mom" means me, and I am right there so she doesn't need to yell...

She has picked up several "baby signs." She waves hi and bye, signs that she wants a drink from her sippy cup, and that she is all done eating.

She claps! She learned that on Halloween while we were eating dinner. Suddenly she stopped what she was doing and started clapping. She thought it was great when she would clap and we would say "Yea!"

Ah, Halloween. Ellie was dressed as a lamb. The only pictures we have of her in her costume right now are ones taken at Tim's work in the middle of the day. We did take her out trick-or-treating with all of the alley kids. She got scared when a woman answered the door in a gorilla mask, but overall she enjoyed it.

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