Friday, April 6, 2007

Here's Hoping For a Better Night

Last night Ellie woke up no less than five times. FIVE! I think all the Tylenol she had been taking to help with her shots got her sleep schedule out of whack - that stuff knocked her out every time we gave it to her. She spent most of yesterday sleeping off the medicine and not eating much. She definitely made up for it overnight. I had a whopping 30 minutes sleep (in two 15 minute chunks) from 9pm until 2am. After she woke up for the fifth time at 2:45am I gave up and slept with her on my chest in the recliner. Thank goodness for the recliner; when all else fails...

Thankfully I have a wonderful husband (and Ellie has a wonderful Daddy) who got up with her at 5am and let me sleep in until 10am. I was able to get a total of 7 hours of sleep that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sleep? The only time you get sleep is when they go off to 1st grade and you take a day off from work!
