Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Here is a picture of our little Easter Bunny in her bunny hat from Grandma and Grandpa B.

Ellie rolled over for the first time today. Tim was doing "tummy time" with her this morning and she rolled from her stomach to her back. Tim said that she was a little surprised to suddenly be on her back and she started crying.

Ellie has also started playing in her Baby Einstein bouncer. She isn't quite sure what to think, but she seems to enjoy it. Her legs aren't quite long enough yet, so we have to put a pillow in the bottom. We also prop her up in the seat with a bag of cotton balls (whatever works!).

Here is another picture of our little bunny. Isn't that the goofiest smile you ever saw?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute! That hat looks really soft.

FYI. The goofy-face picture won't enlarge when you click it.
