Monday, August 11, 2008

Eighteen Months Old

Ellie and I spent the last week in Idaho, so this monthly update is a week late. We had a great time and I will post some pictures from that trip shortly.

Ellie is constantly making us crack up laughing and she is so much fun to parent right now. (Aside from the occasional temper tantrum...)

How Ellie has changed in the past month:
  • Ellie has added to her list of "What does the animal say?" responses. She will now moo like a cow, roar like a lion, say "ooo, ooo, ooo" for a monkey, meow like a cat, and woof like a dog.
  • She likes to tell us (and the animals) to "moose" which is her word for "move." She enjoys telling us where to go and pushing or pulling us along by our shorts if we don't move fast enough.
  • Ellie sleeps through the night about 50% of the time now. The other nights typically only have one or two wakings.
  • Ellie dropped to one nap. She sleeps for about two hours from 1pm to 3pm.
  • She is getting really good at feeding herself. She doesn't like us to feed her from a spoon anymore; she wants to do it herself.
  • Ellie wants to do everything her way, without help. She often gets frustrated because she can't do it herself, but if we try to help it usually ends with her throwing herself on the ground in a tantrum.
  • Continuing to talk up a storm. She puts two words together now and has figured out that if someone is far away you have to YELL for them to hear you.

Events of the past month:
  • Lots of trips to the pool, including the time Ellie decided to jump into the pool with no one there to catch her...
  • Trip to Idaho
  • Two trips to the zoo

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