Friday, January 18, 2008

Miscellaneous Pictures

Ellie was sick with a high fever at the end of last week. We went to the doctor last Thursday and he said that she had a slight cold (which we knew) but he wasn't sure why her fever was spiking to 103.6. They ran a test or two and they came back negative. Eventually the fever went away and she was feeling okay on Saturday and back to her normal self by Sunday. The cold has now passed as well and she is back to our happy, clappy girl! Yay!

Here are some random pictures from the last few weeks. I'll add some pictures from our Idaho Christmas trip when I get them from my parents. (We only took a few with our camera...)

Christmas morning with Daddy at Grandma and Grandpa B.'s house.

Presents from Grandma and Grandpa.

These next pictures are of Ellie playing with uncooked rice I found in the pantry that was quite old. Rather than throw it away I thought we'd have some fun with it. Rice is a fantastic "manipulative" for little ones to play with (as long as they don't eat it!). We used to have it in the sensory table at our preschool and kids love to feel it, scoop it, dig in it, etc. What's even better is that you can nuke it in the microwave for 30 seconds and kill all the germs! I'm hoping to get Ellie a sand and water table this summer. I know that she would have a great time with it!

Moxie was helping...

Yes, that is a giant drool coming out of her mouth. This was the day before she went to the doctor. After we returned from the doctor I disinfected all that rice!

Throwing rice.

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